emonBase 433Mhz (RFM69SPI)

250.00 Grams
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The emonBase is a web-connected base station that receives data via a 433MHz radio signal from an emonTx5 or other compatible radio nodes.

It is ideal for applications where the emonBase can be conveniently connected to an internet router via Ethernet in one location, while the emonTx5 is positioned at a consumer unit in another.


The emonBase consists of a Raspberry Pi + RFMSPI.

Note: by default the new version of the emonBase with the RFMSPI is NOT compatible with older hardware e.g emonTx V3. Please contact us if you would like a version which is compatible with older hardware.  

Data can be logged locally to Emoncms, our open-source web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy and other environmental data.

Data can also be posted remotely to your own server, or our cloud service: Emoncms.org.


Advanced Users: SSH is disabled by default on the latest emonSD image.

SSH can be enabled by adding a file called 'ssh' to the /boot partition.
See: https://guide.openenergymonitor.org/technical/credentials/#ssh


Includes (as standard)

  • Raspberry Pi 4 with on-board WiFi
  • Pre-loaded microSD card with emonSD
  • Enclosure
  • RFMSPI 433Mhz
  • USB-C power supply


Does NOT Include

  • Ethernet cable